Sculpted By: Rachel Jane Cold
The Bell Collection
Older Child/Teen Series
28" Holly Head
28" Holly S/P
 Sabrina Arms
Sabrina Straight Legs
Soft Fired    $35.00
Bisque           70.00
 Interchangeable Parts:
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Holly is the newest of the "Petite Sophisticate"
by Rachel Jane Cold.
              Eye Size: 20 MM                          Wig Size:  13/14
                  Neck Connector:   35MM            Pate Size:   4 inch
Clothes Patterns & Wigs available from:  bellcollections.com
Holly's Individual Parts Prices:
MM5154 Head              $15
MM5155 S/P                $10
MM5055 Sabrina Arms $10
MM5053 Sabrina Legs $15
RPM5154A  Costume Pattern
SW13I12        Susi Wig 13/14